To connect with MsSQL server you need to call some libraries which contains information regarding db connection and execution
1) Call these two libraries at top of the coding page
2) Now we have to initialize some of our server detail to initialize our connection with our database.
Add this code in your main class of your form and modify it according to your database details.
Where Data Source=.; automatically gets the default server name and Initial Catalog=sxeInventory; refers to the name of database
3) Now inserting records from user controls i-e Textbox, ComboBox etc.
I assume a form having following fields
Now After creating your form, Double click on the button on which you want to perform insertion.
Modify Insert Query according to your columns in database.
All set.. Run.! Hope it will work, For any issue feel free to ask me.. :)
1) Call these two libraries at top of the coding page
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
2) Now we have to initialize some of our server detail to initialize our connection with our database.
Add this code in your main class of your form and modify it according to your database details.
Dim connstring As String = "Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=sxeInventory;Integrated Security=True"
Dim conn As New SqlConnection(connstring)
Where Data Source=.; automatically gets the default server name and Initial Catalog=sxeInventory; refers to the name of database
3) Now inserting records from user controls i-e Textbox, ComboBox etc.
I assume a form having following fields
Now After creating your form, Double click on the button on which you want to perform insertion.
Modify Insert Query according to your columns in database.
conn.Open() 'Opening the connection to perform SQL Queries
'Performing an Insert Query to INSERT data into db using USER CONTROLS
Dim command As New SqlCommand("INSERT INTO sxe_Products ([sxe_pName],[sxe_pDescription],[sxe_pCatId],[sxe_pPrice],[sxe_pCompanyID],[sxe_pDateAdded])" &
"VALUES('" & Me.txt_pName.Text & "','" & Me.txt_pDesc.Text & "','" & Me.ComboBox2.SelectedValue & "'," &
"'" & Me.txt_pPrice.Text & "','" & Me.ComboBox1.SelectedValue & "','" & DateTime.Now.ToString() & "')", conn)
'Finally Executing Insert Query in a IF fuction!
'If Successfully EXECUTED then show MSG.
If (command.ExecuteNonQuery()) Then
MsgBox("Product Successfully Added!", MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, "Added")
End If
conn.Close() 'Closing the Open DB Connection
Catch ex As Exception
'If exception occured it will be show in a MsgBox
End Try
All set.. Run.! Hope it will work, For any issue feel free to ask me.. :)
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